Contest Info



Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center
937 Phillips Lane
Louisville, KY 40209-1398

General Schedule

All events take place at the Kentucky Fair and Expo Center unless otherwise stated. Please check with your contest superintendents and watch for detailed emails sent to coaches for changes in rooms and schedule details. Roundup Office - South Wing B 107-108.

Hotel Rooms

When searching for hotels in the Louisville area, make sure to look near the Kentucky Fair and Expo Center or the Louisville International Airport. The fairgrounds is situated less than a mile north of the airport on Phillips Lane (several hotels on this street). Crittenden Drive and Preston Highway are also in close proximity and have a few hotels.

The North American International Livestock Expo

NAILE is much more than an ordinary showcase of livestock. Throughout the show, visitors will enjoy the Giant Country Store with its nearly 150 commercial vendors selling everything from fine jewelry and food to western clothing and farm supplies. Global industry standards are annually established during the show as breeders merchandise bloodlines and genetics to local and international interests. Altogether, more than 140 shows, sales, breed meetings, entertainment events, and judging contests are held during the 14-day event.

The Giant Country Store is located in the North Wing.

Livestock events that will take place during our contest are the draft horse, dairy cattle, dairy goat, llama and alpaca shows.

Badges, Admission, and Parking Fees

All contestants and 1 coach per event per state will receive a badge/ticket that will allow you to enter the expo grounds at no cost.  Anyone else in your vehicle will need to pay an $8 admission fee. Season/Parking passes are available for sale, but we have found that will not necessarily save non-badge holders money. Vehicle parking passes are $10 per day (if you do not have the paricipant badge/ticket). Guests (anyone other than a contestant and the 1 coach) must pay an $8 admission per day.  We suggest that once you enter the grounds, give the badges to those that need to come and go during the day, or just plan to stay on the grounds. There are several places where meals can be purchased within the expo.

Badge/Ticket pick-up: Badges/tickets (whichever are supplied by NAILE each year) should be picked up at a designated off-site location between 5:00-5:30 pm on Friday, before the coaches meeting. Pick-up will be at one of the hotel lobbies just outside of the Main Gate of the Expo Center. Look at the detailed contest email sent to coaches for the exact location. 

Awards - Sunday

All are invited to participate in the Awards program Sunday morning. A continental breakfast will be available in the main room for all participants. No tickets will be necessary.

Pictures of award winners will be taken during and after the awards program.

Places to Eat/Things to Do

The best website to find this type of information is If you want to stay close, we recommend a visit to Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby Museum (located on Central Ave.). A great place to eat is the Cardinal Hall of Fame Cafe located on Crittenden Drive.

See Contest Contacts if you have questions.

Thank you to all of our sponsors. To see a full list, click here.

Sponsors and partners of the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup Contest and have provided funding, goods, or services in support of 4-H.

Acceptance of these sponsorships/donations does not imply endorsement by 4-H of any firm, product, or service.